SL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing

I am new to Linux - SL6 was given to me as an OS.
SL6 = Scientific Linux and simialr to RHEL6 or Fedora.
I have downloaded the Linux 64 bit version and and unpacked it on my desktop.

What is the best way of installing the Fritzing software?

  1. using #yum
  2. best location for the Fritzing software.
  3. what is the difference between fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64.tar And fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.i386.tar - other the word AMD - is it AMD specific? my hardware is Intel and my OS is x64. How do I choose?

Keep in mind that I am new to Linux, but a long time user of PC windows. I would like to shift to Linux ( Scientific Linux ).

I have tried win version of Fritzing software it works well. I would like to have it running on my SL6 ( or RedHat 6 ) system. SO I hope there is some one out there that will give a good set of instructions of getting it up and running. I have tried what was suggested in Fritzing download /linux install page but it did not work for me, Thank you…

I found a fedora scriped :
Creates an RPM package for Fritzing. Fedora only ships with 0.8.3b.
I created a in temp directory …
chnaged the assignemnet " chmod 765 ./"
It stopped at line 45…
Any suggestions…Thanks

Welcome to the forum.

First Post

  1. yum won’t work for installing. You download your version, untar the download and use the installing file in the directory.
  2. I a Debian based dstro and have place the Fritzing software in the ~/Documents. Basically you place it anywhere.
  3. The difference in the versions is 64 bit vs 32 bit. AMD has nothing to do with the chip manufacturer. AMD64 = 64 bit, i386 32. So you will need to choose the appropriate version…

Third Post
In the download page, don’t see it amking any differentials between the yum distros (Redhat) and the apt distros(Debian).

  1. Download the version you require, 32 or 64 bit.
  2. Untar the downloaded file.
  3. change the permission on the install file.
  4. Run the install file.
  5. Run the Fritizing file.

I’ll post some better details here. I take it you are using the command line to do all of this. I use the graphical way, which I find much easier.

To find the version required perform:
$ uname -r

This will show the version of the kernel that is running your system. As you can see from the above, I am running the 4.8.0-8.2-liquorix kernel which is the 64 bit version(amd64).

Download the version of Fritzing you need. Most computer OS’s now a days have your downloads go into ~/Downloads but that is dependent on how your system is configured. It could end up on the desktop. You can set that up in your browser.

Now, mine goes into the ~/Download folder. (~ = /home) so, ~/Downloads = /home/Downloads.

You must also be aware that Linux is capital letter cognizant. Linux does not equal linux in the command line.

Next, you will be required to untar the downloaded file. So, if the file is in your /home//Downloads, you need to change to that folder.

$ cd Downloads

$ tar xvfj fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64.tar.bz2

This will place all of the Fritzing files into a folder called fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64. If you are using the 32 bit version, it wll be in a folder called fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.i386.

The screen will have numerous lines of text scroll past in a hurry!

Now, I would leave the above created directory where it is and just continue to proceed.

You now have to provide permission and execution duties to the install file.

Once again, change to the directory/folder of your recently created in the tar process.

$ cd fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64 or i386

Be ware of the capitalization!

Change the permission on the installing file.

$ chmod 775

No, you should be able to install the program on your computer. The above file is your friend!

$ ./

This will install the program and set things up for you. I’ve already have the program installed, so I’m not going to run this process. (no screen shot)

After this takes place, all you need to do is start the program.

$ Fritzing

Again, remember the capitalization! You will need to be in the proper directory each time you want to run the program.


(My computer is known as mx1 and the user as well.)

Or you can create a short cut and place it on your desktop or in the menu.

If you have any questions, ask away. I hope this helped.

Thank you …
I am using command line SU and # prompt

Its a bit confusing with AMD…but I accept - needs to have AMD removed from the title.

I am about to have a go at your suggestion… will post the outcome. One lives in hope that it will all work well…//Nick

Thank you - just need to have a go at install.
I am aware of capitalization…
I also like TAB short cut in linux it saves typing…
will post how I went some time today or tomorrow…

this is what I am running:
[nick@darkstar ~]$ uname -r

my downloads make it “download”

I am working on the rest

Not success Here is the output:
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ cd fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64/
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ ls
Fritzing fritzing-parts LICENSE.GPL3
Fritzing.1 fritzing.rc lib
fritzing.appdata.xml help LICENSE.CC-BY-SA sketches
fritzing.desktop icons LICENSE.GPL2 translations
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ chmod 775
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ ./
fritzing mime types already registered
/usr/bin/xdg-mime: line 531: kde-config: command not found
mkdir: cannot create directory `’: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/xdg-mime: line 542: / Permission denied
/usr/bin/xdg-mime: line 531: kde-config: command not found

[nick@darkstar ~]$ Fritzing
bash: Fritzing: command not found
[nick@darkstar ~]$ ls
Desktop Downloads octave-core Programs Templates
Documents Music Pictures Public Videos
[nick@darkstar ~]$ cd Programs
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ ls
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ cd fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64/
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ ls
Fritzing fritzing-parts LICENSE.GPL3
Fritzing.1 fritzing.rc lib
fritzing.appdata.xml help LICENSE.CC-BY-SA sketches
fritzing.desktop icons LICENSE.GPL2 translations
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ Fritzing
bash: Fritzing: command not found
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$

Any Thoughts - Thanks

You could try and tun the command this way,

$ sudo ./
enter your password for the user nick.

From within the fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64 directory.

Then run the file Fritzng

Assuming you are in the directory where Fritzing is try


The not found message is likely because Fritzing isn’t in your path. For your earlier errors does your system have KDE installed (with the warning that I’m running Fritzing on Windows, but am familiar with Unix).

Like this:====copy of my terminal=before click return===
[nick@darkstar ~]$ pwd
[nick@darkstar ~]$ ls
Desktop Downloads octave-core Programs Templates
Documents Music Pictures Public Videos
[nick@darkstar ~]$ cd Programs
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ ls
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ cd fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64/
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ sudo ./
=========================lets so what happens after return==4
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ sudo ./
[sudo] password for nick:
nick is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$
============Dam I forgot my sudo password I will try su
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ su
[root@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]# ./
======================now I will press return/enter
========================didn’t work same as before…
Now I have an aditional problem …how to recover sudo password for "nick"
I have my su password and my user password but not sudo password.
I do not recall setting it…hmmmm?
BUT if I may ask how does one change/erase sudo password.
after that I will try "$ sudo ./’
Tanks for the help.

  • List item

Thank you for your comment,“ritzing isn’t in your path”…>
that could be true but I have moved into the directory containing Fritzing…
======================my current location =================
[nick@darkstar ~]$ ls
Desktop Downloads octave-core Programs Templates
Documents Music Pictures Public Videos
[nick@darkstar ~]$ cd Programs
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ ls
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ cd fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64/
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ ls
Fritzing fritzing-parts LICENSE.GPL3
Fritzing.1 fritzing.rc lib
fritzing.appdata.xml help LICENSE.CC-BY-SA sketches
fritzing.desktop icons LICENSE.GPL2 translations
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ install ./
================Result after return/enter
fritzing mime types already registered
/usr/bin/xdg-mime: line 531: kde-config: command not found
mkdir: cannot create directory `’: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/xdg-mime: line 542: / Permission denied
/usr/bin/xdg-mime: line 531: kde-config: command not found

=============Did Not work…
I tried $sudo ./ as suggested
also did not work - but hey I have new problem I dont know my sudo password
===============Any suggestion on how to chnage sudo password as I can not recall seting the original…
Thank you for your interest.

Here is is in the Nutshell :slight_smile:

[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ sudo ./
[sudo] password for nick:
nick is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$

The sudo password is normally your regular password for nick.

if you have your SU password you can try this.

$ cd /downloads/fritzing-0.9.3b-linu-AMD64 (The location of the file)
$ su
enter the passord for SU


after it installed, type “exit” to leave the SU prompt. (w/o the ")

In Windows this would be true as Windows searches your current directory as well as the path. Unix doesn’t, so even if you are in the correct directory unless the command is in your path you will get the “not found” error. The ./ in front of the command indicates "look in my current directory “.” (with the following slash saying it is a directory. Your problem with sudo is that your account isn’t in the sudoers file (typically /etc/sudoers but your system may vary). To change that you will need to log in as root as Smilliken suggested. It looks to me as if you may have more problems than this though. From the complaints about kde-config not found I suspect you may not have the kde desktop installed and Fritzing may want it (with the reminder I’m a Windows Fritzer and thus may be wrong here :slight_smile: ). Log in as root and fix up your sudoers file and try the install as root and go from there is probably the best plan. If it wants KDE and it isn’t there it will complain I’m sure.

Thank you but it did not work…I may have to try to reinstall SL6 (Redhat6)

[nick@darkstar ~]$ su
[root@darkstar nick]# ls
Desktop Downloads octave-core Programs Templates
Documents Music Pictures Public Videos
[root@darkstar nick]# cd Programs/
[root@darkstar Programs]# ls
[root@darkstar Programs]# cd fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64/
[root@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]# ./

fritzing mime types already registered
/usr/bin/xdg-mime: line 531: kde-config: command not found
mkdir: cannot create directory `’: No such file or directory

No directories in update-desktop-database search path could be processed and updated.
installed fritzing system icons
[root@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]#


Thanks, tried fixing sudoers file but could not find my user as an entry.
I suggested perhaps as I am learning this to reinstall SL6 paying attention to sudoes password.
My other passwords work , but sudo password is diffrent somehow…
Smiliken suggest: that sudo password and nick$ file is the same ===I have tried that it did not work.
I will also install kde desktop…it is an add on in SL6 -it uses GNOME I think (ok I will make sure they are on …)
I will addpath to ./ to try your suggeston : must be in the path to be found.
Since I am new to Linux and SL6 distro I will try and re install SL6 as a last resort, I would like to resolve the problem as one learns from the expereince. Thank you for your hlep.

You can try this/…

sudo adduser “username” sudo

enter the password as prompted.

It maybe the Redhat software and its files structure. Certain files/directories may not be the same as the Debian based distros.