OK so here is what I did to get from your part to this (mostly) corrected one that I believe does what you want at least in breadboard:
First define my pins
connector0pin/terminal relay coil pin 13
connector1pin/terminal relay coil pin 14
connector2pin/terminal relay contact 9
connector3pin/terminal relay contact 1
connector4pin/terminal relay contact 5
connector5pin/terminal relay contact 10
connector6pin/terminal relay contact 2
connector7pin/terminal relay contact 6
connector8pin/terminal relay contact 11
connector9pin/terminal relay contact 3
connector10pin/terminal relay contact 7
connector11pin/terminal relay contact 12
connector12pin/terminal relay contact 4
connector13pin/terminal relay contact 8
Next fix up my view box to align with the grid. View->Page Grid to enable the grid if you haven’t
height: 95.669289
width: 95.669289
no viewboz defined.
Change that to:
(in xml editor click on the very top line svg id=0)
height: 1in set
width: 1in set
viewBox 0 0 100 100
(to set the view box, enter viewBox in the panel beside the set button then in the window below
0 0 100 100
and click set to set it.
Next put the pin end points on the drawing on .1 grid lines.
so click on the black background and drag it aside to expose the various pads.
starting with the pad on terminal 13 drag the oval for the pad (path3875-9) til it is centered on the first pair of major grid lines. Do the same for all the rest of the pads til the pattern matches the new svg. Note while doing this that path path3547 is missing its oval. So click on path3875-5-7 (the oval beside this pin) and in xml editor click duplicate node to make a copy. Now drag the oval over one pin to be on path3547. While adjusting the pins we are also going to rename them all according to the list that started this post. So for the oval on pin 13 (path3875-9) select it with cntrl-left mouse click and in xml editor select id then change path3875-9 to connector0pin and click set to set it. Now select the pad around the oval (path3524) and set its id to connector0terminal. Repeat these steps with all the rest of the pins setting them according to the list above. Now click on the black background and drag it back over the pins. You will see the white lines are now in the wrong position and need adjusting (since they won’t affect the operation I haven’t bothered to correct them). At this point I saved the breadboard svg as plain svg and exited Inkscape as the bb svg is done (you probably want to readjust the white line so they match the pins not being lazy like me ). Now we need to edit the fpz file with a text editor (I use vi, but notepad should work I think) Basically we need to add all those connectors that we put in the bb svg. In the fpz file you are looking for the lines like this:
(note there should be an opening bracket at the start of the line but this web software doesn’t let me enter it …)
connector id=“connector4” name=“86” type=“male”>
description>Relay Coil - Pin 2
p layer=“breadboard” svgId=“connector4pin”/>
p layer=“schematic” svgId=“connector4pin” terminalId=“connector4terminal”/>
p layer=“copper0” svgId=“connector4pin”/>
p layer=“copper1” svgId=“connector4pin”/>
I prefer to have them in pin number order so I know I haven’t missed a pin (but Fritzing doesn’treally care about the order as long as they are all there). So first move the ones that arethere in to numberical order. While its probably not hurting anything, you aren’t using busses so delete the bus section:
bus id=“bus0”>
nodeMember connectorId=“connector2”/>
I then moved pins 4 and 5 to below pin 2. Note pin3 is missing completely. so copy one of the others in to the slot for pin3 and rename it to connector3. Then after connector5 duplicate enough copies of the connector above to make pins 6 through 13 as well. Now we need to adjust each pin in turn. First we need to correct the description to match your part so change:
connector id=“connector0” name=“87A” type=“male”>
description>Switch Terminal ‘A’
connector id=“connector0” name=“13” type=“male”>
description>Coil Terminal 1
where the name becomes the pin number on your part and the description is what the pin does. then we need to add the connectorxterminal to breadboard so change
p layer="breadboard" svgId="connector0pin"/>
p layer="breadboard" terminalId="connector0terminal" svgId="connector0pin"/>
and repeat for the other 12 pins. While you are here its good practice to check that all the pin numbers match (so the first one should all be 0 and the second all 1 etc.). Typos here will cause problems that can be hard to find. Hope this helps, ask questions if it doesn’t.
corrected_4wayrelay.fzpz (11.4 KB)