
我实际上制作了一个东西,需要把这些原件集中到一块板子上,主要有,dht11温度传感器,arduino nano ,一个供电板子,一个l298n电机驱动,一个继电器,一个蓝牙模块,一个espwifi模块,怎么把这些原件在fritzing中找到,并且画出电路板子,需要一个人来帮我下,我会提供相应的报酬。

Hi Tyco,

Welcome to the forum. I’d be more than happy to discuss this project with you and you can reach me on wechat: zhongyong3521. However, I think it would be wise to communicate using English on an English forum to ensure maximum understanding and participation from the fritzing community.
Creating a PCB board is very easy thank to the fritzing software. I will be very glad to show you how to operate it.

Best regards,
Peter Zhong(钟庸)