Fritzing 0.9.3 won't start in Ubuntu 17.10 VM

Hey guys,

I’m a newcomer here trying to launch Fritizing 0.9.3 in my Ubuntu VirtualBox VM, but it never gets past the initial popup box and doesn’t output any errors.

Does anyone here do this successfully? Is there any way to get debugging output when launching Fritzing?

I’m using Ubuntu 17.10 in VirtualBox 5.2.6 with the guest additions installed. I’m running i3wm on x.

I’d appreciate if anyone had any suggestions.

Thanks a lot!

Odds are that it is just checking for updates and if you force it closed during that time it corrupts the database. You would need to delete your .config/Fritzing folder from the home directory. Then re-download Fritzing and upon first starting Fritzing it will look for parts updates which can take a while and it does not give you any indication it working. You just have to be patient and wait for it complete. Once it completes it will popup and tell you it has updates to install or it will let you work.

For Debug you would start it from the command line with Fritzing -d
For more options you can check Fritzing -help

Thanks for the tips! It seems like the issue was that it was using a custom version of Qt that I build for something else. Removing that Qt version seems to have fixed the problem