Files Missing at Install

Hi I’m very new to all of this. I’ve tried several downloads of Fritzing for Windows 64 bit today. It won’t start because files Qt5Svg.dll and Qt5PrintSupport.dll are missing. I’m running Windows 10. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

What type of windows do you have?

Windows 10 running on 64 bit machine

Have you installed the Api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll download.

First of all, is your computer the newest model? If so, the Fritzing program might not support your computer because of its operating system.

The computer is about 4 years old. It came with windows 7 but Micro Soft persuaded me to “upgrade” to Windows 10.

I don’the know. Is it part of the Fritzing zip download? If not, where can I find this file?

Have you installed the Api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll download.

Did you download the Fritzing program from the website?

Yes, I downloaded it from

Check for those two dlls in your Fritzing install directory, in my case (Win7 pro) that is


and in there along with

Fritzing.exe (which you obviously have)




If they aren’t there check your unzip program (I used the open source 7zip program) and then your virus
checker in case it has decided these programs are a “virus” and blocked them. If they are missing you might try disabling your virus program while you install Fritzing and see if that helps.

Peter Van Epp

Thank you very much.

Did his solution work?