Capteur IR à base de LM393 (CAP227 de centralmedia)

Vue Platine d’essai (Breadboard view)
Vue Schématique (Schematic view)
Vue Circuit imprimé (PCB view)
CAP227_Capteur_IR_3pins_LM393.fzpz (15.7 KB)

Nice job on breadboard, but there are a few issues else where …


removed groups, select all and group name group breadboard to match the layerid

The missing layerid group only affects svg export of the part. The groups are caused by the Fritzing part exporter and are just messy not wrong.


only copper1 so smd part not through hole and thus no holes in the gerber. Not what you want as this isn’t a smd part.

silkscreen doesn’t reflect the size of the module

I replaced with the fc51 pcb I did some time ago with .038 holes for .1 pins and an outline on silk screen from the board taken from the dimensions on breadboard (which may or may not be correct). The web site for this board had no dimensions that I could find.


copied and changed the schematic from the fc51 sensor I did some time ago to make a more normal schematic that better matches other parts in fritzing.


removed the terminalId definitions from breadboard connectors as they aren’t in the svg (and are not needed). Won’t break anything just messy (and my parts check script complains about it).

All of this creates this modified part (which is a new part which will coexist with your current part so you can see the changes side by side):

Capteur IR CAP227 - 3 pins_fixed.fzpz (15.4 KB)
